RT @drcongo: I made a new tumblr to track the stupidest trend on the web: http://tabcloseddidntread.com
Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
RT @drcongo: I made a new tumblr to track the stupidest trend on the web: http://tabcloseddidntread.com
RT @textfiles: Archive Team has now downloaded 5,000,000 Hyves accounts.
RT @ruud008: Net @BVanaerle voor 60 hele euro's gekocht http://twitter.com/ruud008/status/404694072209993728/photo/1
RT @turnislefthome: Unreal work here from @DWDSGN : http://dwdesign.tumblr.com/
amazing how much traffic drudgereport's one little text link to http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2013/11/23/nsa-infected-50000-computer-networ ks-with-malicious-software/ generates, seems to far exceed any other site
"Feature Development for Social Networking", a short story http://www.tor.com/stories/2013/11/feature-development-for-social-netw orking (via http://www.metafilter.com/134142/Emergent-UI-Features-Team )
RT @rdcotter: It sounds like @billwscott is having a great time transitioning @PayPal stack from Java to @nodejs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5yk5SZxWX4
RT @donttrythis: Hummingbird snoring. Thanks reddit. Made my day. http://youtu.be/pj5huCuhD_Q
Epic graffiti timelapse video: SOFLES — LIMITLESS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv-Do30-P8A&sns=tw (via https://pay.reddit.com/comments/1r9gmb )
RT @nrc: NSA infected 50,000 computer networks with malicious software http://nrch.nl/36qd
RT @serafinowicz: Police horses have the power of arrest, but only over other horses.
RT @loekas_de_b: Ik vertrouw maar weer op mijn voorkant bij mijn boekverslag http://twitter.com/loekas_de_b/status/404198302239170560/photo/1
using Unicode symbols as css UI elements is great fun, tho I always need to double check if they render at all on Android; many still don't
RT @wieland: Nu bij #dwdd @pvdmeersch over de samenwerking van @nrc met @ggreenwald #NSA
RT @paul_irish: NYTimes dramatically improved page load time and effectively handled 3rd party ads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dwBB2Xa_B0#t=1142 Great talk by @eitanmk
vraag me af wie er achter dit (treffende) nep-tv-programma zit - Zwarte Piet fail on Canadian tv http://www.roetinheteten.info/2013/11/a-dutchman-dressed-up-as-zwarte- piet-to-defend-it-on-canadian-tv-and-failed-hard/ (via @quinsyg)
RT @play_create: My flowers are on Discovery today, wow! http://news.discovery.com/tech/gear-and-gadgets/gorgeous-computer-gene rated-flowers-bloom-photos-131121.htm
RT @empiremagazine: Love The Cornetto Trilogy? Love Photoshop? This is the poster mash-up competition for you: http://is.gd/TZwL9J http://twitter.com/empiremagazine/status/403479396536688641/photo/1
watching Punisher: War Zone and then listening to the How Did This Get Made director's special is great fun http://www.earwolf.com/episode/punisher-war-zone/
RT @folkertjensma: 'Ik ben Marokkaans en ontelbare malen gefouilleerd' Lees Reactie 51 op de laatste Rechtsstaat : http://www.nrc.nl/rechtenbestuur/2013/11/16/het-is-verboden-dit-artike l-te-lezen-zonder-een-id-of-een-redelijk-doel/ via @nrc
RT @Bjheijne: Kleine winkels zijn toch t leukst. http://twitter.com/Bjheijne/status/400964380030156800/photo/1
Sample Text that is Sort of Running Too Short So Now it's Longer http://m.chronicle.com/article/The-American-Police-State/142965/ http://twitter.com/milo/status/403165187249045504/photo/1
RT @dmost: Noticing the UI elements in XCode. Button looks like text, and text looks like button. http://twitter.com/dmost/status/402208518792417280/photo/1
RT @dudleystorey: New blog post: which CSS color systems to use where. http://demosthenes.info/blog/781/Which-CSS-Color-System-To-Use-Where
RT @TheAngryDM: This new Captcha is hardcore: "Verify You Are a Human: Harm a fellow human or, through inaction, allow a fellow human to come to harm."
RT @dphiffer: A video about @occupy_here from a new Dutch news site, @decorrespondent: https://decorrespondent.nl/251/google-of-occupy-wie-bezet-het-internet -/4759872887-0d36c0cb (EN w/ NL subtitles) /cc @GrantMiiller
RT @jcoglan: For posterity: Why GitHub is not your CV. http://blog.jcoglan.com/2013/11/15/why-github-is-not-your-cv/
RT @JonathanDean_: Imagine being 163-years-old, with all the wonder you have seen, and having to take an EasyJet flight http://twitter.com/JonathanDean_/status/352788721692721152/photo/1
RT @Stavros: Winning (cheating) at Candy Crush: http://www.stavros.io/posts/winning-candy-crush/
My Quiet City update: Arnhem http://myquietcity.tumblr.com/
RT @blowdart: Instead on going on about how cool coin is you should all be horrified it's that easy to copy your cards.
RT @roelgroeneveld: Scott Rinckenberger awesome meteor photo (via @duncan): http://blog.scottrinck.com/conceptual/odds/
Color Coded Candy by Emily Blincoe http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/11/color-coded-candy-by-emily-blinc oe/ via @Colossal (via @minisje)
annoyed at @disqus 500 Error, but greatly enjoying their error page http://media.disquscdn.com/errors/img/8.gif (try 1 thru 7 as well) http://twitter.com/milo/status/400576989251112961/photo/1
RT @DeReactiegraaf: Te leuk. Telegraaf "blogger" Maria neemt artikel van @DeSpeld over. Waarop vervolgens weer serieus wordt gereageerd. http://www.telegraaf.nl/wuz/profiel/394/blogs/zij-riant-kleedgeld-en-d e-bevolking-uitkleden.
RT @brittneyg: indicates it's meat-free: http://mlkshk.com/p/VFE2
dogs waiting in berlin http://dogswaitinginberlin.tumblr.com/
RT @lhl: Graphics/fractal nerds, this is one of the coolest blogs I've come across recently: http://blog.hvidtfeldts.net/
Arnhem / Museum van Moderne Kunst (38 photos, Pentax K20D + 21mm) http://www.flickr.com/photos/milov/tags/arnhem20131109
RT @AurelianCaesar: Oh Steam you stars #SimplifiedEnglish http://twitter.com/AurelianCaesar/status/399223257259188225/photo/1
RT @zachbraff: Favorite, the silver medal of Twitter.
RT @schlijper: Als bij elke herinrichting boomwortels gekapt worden, gaan bij de volgende storm weer veel bomen om in #Amsterdam: http://twitter.com/schlijper/status/399133340357652480/photo/1
RT @AlexanderNL: Heel mooi overzichtsstuk op Tweakers over aftappen in Nederland. In één keer bij over wat nu speelt http://tweakers.net/reviews/3308/datahonger-de-nederlandse-geheime-die nst-wil-alles-weten.html
"Ik stelde Herman van Veen alle vragen over Alfred Jodocus Kwak die ik ooit nog wilde stellen" | VICE http://www.vice.com/nl/read/ik-stelde-herman-van-veen-alle-vragen-over -alfred-jodocus-kwak-die-ik-ooit-nog-wilde-stellen via @ViceNL
RT @redhotminute: En wat als we nu eens een schaduw over #iOS7 leggen? Mooier? http://theultralinx.com/2013/11/ios-7-long-shadow-redesign.html #design
RT @thomatronic: De NOS straft online lezers wel hard met line height en banners. - http://moby.to/sia4hr
RT @heydonworks: New post! "Tetris & The Power Of CSS" http://www.heydonworks.com/article/tetris-the-power-of-css #CSS
RT @skwirrol: #soundwave #wip http://instagram.com/p/gbD8UPlKl7/
RT @mathewi: great day to be a white dude in a suit: http://twitter.com/theferocity/status/398518587414937600/photo/1
RT @erocdrahs: How to deal with tv companies wanting to use your music for free http://twitter.com/liz_buckley/status/398113571353006080/photo/1 /cc @christt #marvellous
above/below-the-fold css separation now in effect on http://m.nrc.nl/?m=1 , reducing initial html/css payload to <10kB / two HTTP requests
RT @grumpygamer: These are really creepy: http://www.boblab.nl/wordpress/species-of-illumination/
hello Android 4.3! yay for CyanogenMod updates
Via @nprmusic: First Listen: Soundtrack, 'Inside Llewyn Davis' http://n.pr/1cpXbNC (via http://www.metafilter.com/133540/Fare-Thee-Well )
RT @doge_css: wow div#header > ul.nav li such bad many selector few class no much perform
RT @CodePen: Use a Google Spreadsheet as your JSON backend :: https://coderwall.com/p/duapqq Should work great on CodePen.
RT @danwrong: Programming in JavaScript? Simply memorize this handy table before using zero in your code: http://zero.milosz.ca/
RT @maartencsmit: Nieuwe #fyra op Rotterdam Centraal vandaag http://twitter.com/maartencsmit/status/396736875723231232/photo/1
RT @regio15: Nu online: Leidse vliegtuigbom op strand van Wassenaar tot ontploffing gebracht http://www.regio15.nl/actueel/lijst-weergave/28-overige/18030-leiden-b om-boem #boem
RT @marcinignac: Pointless Diagrams http://pointlessdiagrams.com
RT @n0wak: Of all the stupid shit in Thor: The Dark World, the wrong number of tube stops between Charing Cross and Greenwich bugged me the most.
RT @anildash: Nice catch by @davewiner of Amazon enabling static javascript apps: http://2.dashes.com/16SBqaY A server-tech analog to flat design simplicity.
RT @remotesynth: Parker Bennett demonstrates how he created a layout with complex shapes and image backgrounds using CSS. http://bit.ly/1aO2WW5
RT @UnfinishedS: Nostalgia... http://twitter.com/UnfinishedS/status/395652583333036032/photo/1
RT @iederwoord: flutartikel
RT @ChristinaMcMc: I like how on the Guardian homepage it currently looks like the Pope and a bear are waving at each other. http://twitter.com/ChristinaMcMc/status/396211080831066112/photo/1
RT @GonzoHacker: When StackOverflow goes down, how do they figure out what's going wrong?
RT @timdewit: In Berlijn kan alles. Dus ook je paard mee de S-Bahn in nemen. http://twitter.com/timdewit/status/394382946926592001/photo/1
RT @2525: Google, Facebook zeggen de strijd aan te gaan met NSA om ons te beschermen. Voelt toch een beetje als Hannibal Lecter die je komt redden.
RT @VanDieMensenDie: Vragen of dat niet gevaarlijk is, antikraak wonen.
RT @Pica_motor: Selfie: Unidentified woman taking her own photograph using a mirror and a box camera, roughly 1900. http://twitter.com/Pica_motor/status/395457042732683264/photo/1
RT @SirPatStew: Happy Halloween. http://twitter.com/SirPatStew/status/395960502083276801/photo/1
RT @troyhunt: Just blogged: Disassembling the privacy implications of LinkedIn Intro: http://troy.hn/1coSvYl
RT @stewart: Ah! The first promoted tweet I've seen with the new inline images. Now I get it.
RT @Fascinatingpics: When unsure of how to answer a true false question.. http://twitter.com/Fascinatingpics/status/395403500492173312/photo/1
RT @MartinKoolhoven: AAAAAAAARGH RT @olchert: OMG!! 'De Rabo gaat het doen...' Hoe krom kunnen je tenen zijn #huilt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBEexAcH37o#t=53 #teambuilding
"[ツ] is becoming increasingly popular as an emoticon in the Western world due to its resemblance to a smiling face." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%A4
RT @serafinowicz: I wish I knew his name. RT @firehat: This is the best men’s Halloween costume I have ever seen http://twitter.com/firehat/status/394906681563701248/photo/1
The Wes Anderson Collection http://www.abramsbooks.com/wesandersoncollection/ (via @fontanel)
RT @onzetaal: Nog meer medeklinkers achter elkaar dan #herfststorm: angstschreeuw, gerechtsschrijver (8). Recordhouder: borsjtsjschranzer (10).
RT @jeansnow: Bender as one of the robots in Laputa (Castle in the Sky): http://io9.com/bender-dresses-up-as-a-laputa-robot-for-halloween-14524 43297
RT @ID_AA_Carmack: Disappointed with the Framemeister upscaler, I dug out an old real CRT. Son commented "GFX are much better!" http://twitter.com/ID_AA_Carmack/status/394530440528162816/photo/1