interview with Robert Young Pelton [via]
Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
World Wide Words - wonder what weird words mean? [via]'s more fun, though. interview with John Weir (designer of [via]
Design for Community: Essay: Killing the biggest myth of web design <-- click here, please. [via Zeldman]
Untold History - The Untold Stories of Software Innovation - featuring the story of Flash as told by its inventor. [via interconnected]
Joel on Software - The Iceberg Secret, Revealed - "When you're showing off, the only thing that matters is the screen shot." [via]
'Which side of the road do they drive on?' - with quite a bit of interesting historical and statistical info, even addressing the Channel Tunnel situation. [via] Avoiding personal conflict on mailing lists. [via Brainstorms and Raves]
Geknipt voor u door
Vandaag toevallig van Roel geleerd: "Wat is een Tante Betje?"
Interesting iconic labeling system going on at 'Top Ten Conservative Idiots' - check the little icons next to each of the names.
Environmentalism and Meat - some interesting figures here. [via]
My copy of The Art of Looking Sideways arrived yesterday, an amazing 1000+ page book filled with all sorts of neat artworks, observations, anecdotes... At the publisher's site, you can watch the author explain what the book is about (click the 'View Video' link).
(Much thanks to inflight correction where I first saw the book mentioned.)
- Het beste van nl.taal
- A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia
- Letters en cijfers
Update: these were all found while searching Google for 'angstschreeuw' (Dutch word with 8 consecutive consonants). And 'Verspreeksgezegswijzen' (part of the 3rd site) is my current favourite page of the whole internet. ^_^
Crypto-Gram looks to be an interesting newsletter. Reading some of the past issues... [via gammatron]
Design Rant - inspirational. [via and others] a parable.
From last weeks AWADmail:
"[...]This was the headline to an article that announced that Michael Foot (left wing MP in UK) was to lead a group looking at nuclear disarmament: "Foot Heads Arms Body"."
Basic and Advanced You're - "Pigs can work out how to use a joystick, and people still can't do this!" [via Eendvögel] archief - wat ongelofelijk veel en goed leesspul eigenlijk. [via baard]
Plenty interesting convention stories at these days. Also, photos! [via plasticbag and others]
Some interesting reading at
'Web advertisers need lessons in how to behave', says page with popup and big ugly Flash-ad disrupting the flow of text.
'On Chance in Artistic Creation', 1894. [via Zidouta]
A Short History of the World by H.G. Wells, 1922.
[via The Nutlog]
Cashing the Junk Mail Check - I first read this classic story a few years ago, still a rather entertaining tale. [via Metafilter]
The Mentos FAQ - Talking about dropmentos: "A sudden overpowering licorice flavor consumes you!" [via megnut]
Lzip lossy compression - the most advanced file-compression scheme. Reduces files to 0% of their original size! [via Wouterd]
scottandrew sure has some cool dreams...