late 19th-century snowflake photographs lake
Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
late 19th-century snowflake photographs lake
RT @paulstoel: Nee! Nee! Ongelooflijk. Ga naar Google Translate, Nederlands -> Engels en typ dan Guus Meeuwis in.
RT @waxpancake: Congrats to The Big Picture's @kokogiak on moving to The Atlantic! (Until now, it's only been a par ...
RT @annevk W3C proposes a logo for HTML5: Also, CSS3 is now “officially” part of HTML5. #html5 #cc
RT @RobKemerink go see the new VIERKWART exhibition in Rdam; tasty artworks and nice drinks via @weownrotterdam
great bandname, great sounds.. (thnx @RobKemerink)
fijn gebruik van slow-mo beelden Nieuwjaarsduik in sfeervolle Kern Koppen video 'Geen Zweet' (thnx @jansn)
cute how Windows 7 file search still defines size:gigantic as anything bigger than a measly 128MB
RT @jellebc Mooi stuk in Guardian over verzinsel Blue Monday, de pseudo-wetenschapper en 't PRbedrijf dat 'm financiert
RT @chankfonts: Excellent update on the current state of web typography via @nicewebtype #webfonts
RT @xiffy: Making stupid stuff up about the most depressing day of the year, doesn’t help anyone, bullshit presented as fact is simply d ...
also fun were concerts/festival appearances by LaliPuna, Newton Faulkner, Owen Pallett, JAMAICA, AC Berkheimer, Jack Parow, Here We Go Magic
my fave concerts o'2010: Phoenix, SwellSeason,Balmorhea, MulatuAstatke, xx, TallestManOnEarth, MeltBanana, DirtyProjectors,Yeasayer,J.Newsom
RT @ipears: Onverwacht hoge opkomst bij UPC070 vandaag! Liep tegen de 100... kippen en hanen. Verder ook 4 enthousiaste fotografen. ;) @ ...
mooi weer voor de vroege Urban Photo Collective meetup in Binckhorst Den Haag (via @ipears)
RT @warrenellis: twitter's "who to follow" is suggesting I follow myself. I think I shall stop now before this turns into a Japanese hor ...
RT @DavidPrescott: More people now follow @stephenfry than buy The Times, Indy, Guardian, Telegraph and FT COMBINED
RT @doctorow Holy crow, the #manpage for wipe(1) is a #paranoid masterpiece
RT @skwirrol: Vierkwart via @weownrotterdam
a.s. zondag 'Empty Streets' meetup in de vroege morgen
RT @bopp: Tering, wat een berg crap! RT @northernlake: Use wordpress themes? STOP whatever you are doing & read this
Achievement unlocked: buying and applying a screen protector to a new phone while it is still completely scratch-free
brilliant "Scientist Launches Dubstep Into Outer Space" compilation now listenable on #luisterpaal (via @LEGUESSWHO)
RT @simonw: Observation: Since new Twitter launched I find myself thinking twice before clicking a link to Twitter due to the greatly in ...
Overheard at station: "Ik ben op zoek naar een programma waarmee je punt rar kan openen." - nice collection of youtube links for C4's Big Fat Quiz Of The Year 2004-2010
The Ghost Writer
2010 top trax: DirtyProjectors-StillnessIstheMove, SwellSeason-LowRising, JoyFormidable-Cradle, J.Newsom-HaveOneOnMe, ElPerroDelMar-GodKnows
Most played in '10: TallestManOnEarth, Phoenix,Junip,JoannaNewsom, Balmorhea,JensLekman, HarukaNakamura, Goya,DirtyProjectors, MulatuAstatke
Das Weisse Band
Swype is fun - Ken Ishii, 'Extra', 1995. "This is the highest quality version of this video that you will see on the web."
vanmiddag bij @ROTABS op een tafel mooie @weownrotterdam postcards gevonden van zowel Erwin K. als Rob K. :)
Kikujirô no natsu
♫ yama-yo yaaama-yo
watched Broken Flowers on tv, nice to hear the Mulatu Astatke soundtrack again after having seen him live at Motel Mozaïque
new Windows Live Messenger automatically loads photos of pasted Flickr urls in message window, fun
The Man in the High Castle
RT @MySpace__Tom: Hello? Hello? So this is where you all got to. I am glad I have found you all again. I was so alone.
seeing @OlafurArnalds concert at @BitterzoetAdam tonight
enjoying this 2006 Jonathan Ross series on asian cinema
enjoying some tasty and very convincing faux-tuna-salad from @VegaSlager
seen at @HAFFnl 2010: L'Illusioniste (4/5), Los Extraños Presagios de León Prozak (2.5/5), The Asylum Session (2/5)
another Utrecht-weekend: concert tonight at , tomorrow probably seeing some films at
RT @fschroiff: .@robkemerink's cool WOR logo just became even cooler. A new logo on every refresh of
Thanks to @ ...
Way Down Hadestown
films seen at @CAMERAJAPAN 2010: Love Exposure (4/5), USB (3/5), Tokyo Rhapsody (4/5)
RT @TrouwAmsterdam: José González with band Junip getting ready for tonight, by making the stage look nice and comfy! Online ticket sa h ...
skyline of The Hague, according to The Simpsons S22E01
twee gratis gevulde koeken
Kaalb Madrettor
some shots from the awesome and loud Melt-Banana concert I saw on friday, in a tiny dark smoke-filled room in Utrecht:
RT @paulrouget @mrdoob just ported a classic ie6 effect to HTML5 :P
Lulu on the Bridge
trying to navigate around #newtwitter reminded me of something; finally realized it's
RT @simonw: The Web for me is still URLs and HTML. I don't want a Web which can only be understood by running a JavaScript interpreter a ...
the tech structure of Arcade Fire's interactive explained: (via @rafeco)
saw in two films today
concerts/events to consider: Melt-Banana, Junip, Lali Puna, Fool's Gold, Crossing Border, Ólafur Arnalds, Le Guess Who?, State-X New Forms
Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.
The American
(500) Days of Summer
listening to Junip - Fields:
RT @dwineman There's nothing like tight kerning to make a design look dean and modem.
still looove seeing/hearing this clip of the Kings of Convenience concert I attended last year: