Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
Getting coordinates from an image by using javascript |,jeroen,Jeroen, 010903 18:19 |
To make an automated imagemap system for AdventureScripter manager for the game ( I now need to accomplish the following, rather hard, code: (its a lot so if you can give me an URL with a basis, I would be happy, coz my JS knowledge isn't too good :-) > when a user does a mouse-over on an certain image, mouse coordinates need to be displayed. > when a user clicks, two coordinates (source) need to be put in two form elements (sourceX,sourceY) > wen a user clicks the second time, the DestX and DestY coordinated need to be placed in other form elemets > the tool must be reset (waits for a new two-click). > user must be able to use PHP to add four new form fields for a new square to define (multiple hotspots) > optional: a square must be drawed in the image to show the user there is an hotspot As you can see, this ain't gonna be easy. Some nice JS urls are appreciated. thanks. |
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I have coded this so far | Jeroen, 010905 12:48 |
but now it has to wait for TWO clicks and remember them, and put them in form elements:
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Re: Getting coordinates from an image by using javascript | Wichor Bramer, 021031 23:26 |
Hallo Jeroen, Ik zag dat je deze posting al lang geleden hebt gedaan. Hoop dat je mailadres nog hetzelfde is gebleven. Ik zit namelijk met hetzelfde probleem en wil je vragen hoe je dit hebt opgelost. Voor mijn website (waarop momenteel meer dan 2500 foto's van over de 700 nederlandse stationsgebouwen) wil ik namelijk bezoekers de mogelijkheid bieden een hokje te tekenen op een landkaart. De coordinaten daarvan worden dan vergeleken met door mij ingevoerde geografische coordinaten van de stations, en de feedback is zijn de stations die binnen dat gebied vallen. Ik denk daarom dat ik je code goed zou kunnen gebruiken. Kun je me vertellen hoe je dat gedaan hebt? Ik werk voor mijn site met ASP, ik lees dat jij php gebruikt, maar ik neem aan dat het meeste onafhankelijk van deze talen met javascript is opgelost? Ik hoop gauw wat van je te horen. groet, Wichor Bramer |
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Re: Getting coordinates from an image by using javascript | document.all('color…, 030417 15:57 |
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Re: Getting coordinates from an image by using javascript | Palani, 030622 06:07 |
Useful URL for mouse tracing. If U couldnt figure it our let me know bye palani |
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Re: Getting coordinates from an image by using javascript |,srinath.rajaram,Srinath Rajaram, 031125 08:38 |
>optional: a square must be drawed in the image >to show the user there is an hotspot I am looking for a similar solution where the user can draw a rectangle on an image on a web page and we can get the coordinates of the diagonal endpoints from that. Is it possible to do this? |
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