Soundtrack for 105: AFX - Laughable Butane Bob 23JUL wrote on 2002/04/08: Bob? MrMessiah wrote on 2002/04/08: Laughable Butane Bob = Hangable Auto Bulb = Analogue Bubblebath (well nearly, but that's how it works) wrote on 2002/04/09: aka mr. r.d. james milov wrote on 2002/04/09: 23JUL: I stand corrected. Somehow '...Blob' made more sence than '...Bob'. Still, very cool track. icct wrote on 2003/09/09: one of richards best tracks and one of the best ever made electronic song!
Hangable Auto Bulb =
Analogue Bubblebath
(well nearly, but that's how it works)