wrong kapp! <i am sooo sad.. but here goes>
<all from memory>
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.. <i really should get out more...>
brent wrote on 2002/04/11:
jpk wrote on 2002/04/11:
cool! lol:
<quote>When I first saw this movie, I was blown away at how realistic it was. Everything in this movie could really have happened and it gives us a different view on the Internet and the control someone could have in a position like the baddies have in this movie. You genuinely feel for Sandra Bullock's character in this movie. Great performances from all actors and thank you to the director for making such a brilliant movie.</quote>
I didn't get the ending to that movie. What did he realize?
Fidel wrote on 2002/04/12:
W00t! A little gif I found a few years back that looks like the pi symbol from the movie. Hope this works! Crosses fingers. <span title="&pi;" ondblclick="if(event.ctrlKey&&event.shiftKey){window.open('http://uk.imdb.com/Title?0113957','_blank');}"><img src="">http://djfidel.tripod.com/vis/pi.gif</span>
Fidel wrote on 2002/04/12:
Oh well, check the gif out anyway. It looks good on a black background.
Very cool! But how on EARTH did you remember that Sandra Bullock held down the control key, the shift key and double clicked two times, instead of oh, just clicking on the PI sign?
milov wrote on 2002/04/12:
Because she gets specific instructions to do so over the phone... It's intense!
[nothing happens]
Hmmm... pretty sure it worked for Sandra Bullock...
<all from memory>
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.. <i really should get out more...>
<quote>When I first saw this movie, I was blown away at how realistic it was. Everything in this movie could really have happened and it gives us a different view on the Internet and the control someone could have in a position like the baddies have in this movie. You genuinely feel for Sandra Bullock's character in this movie. Great performances from all actors and thank you to the director for making such a brilliant movie.</quote>
I never wait enough to see the "end" of this page.