Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

April 2002

whatsbetter?com - get served two random items, pick the better one. In time, this leads to a list of the best things of all things.

sad, sad, sad wrote on 2005/10/25:
oh dear god... someone please tell me what happened to ""!!!

googler wrote on 2005/11/20:
i wish i knew. that same question has plagued me for weeks.

oh no! wrote on 2005/11/25:
I'm sad! I loved that site!

sad,+sad,+sad wrote on 2006/01/10:
it's not fair... can we rally the troops? get whatsbetter? back!?

pen15 wrote on 2006/02/16:
mann, i first went to when i hear about it on Q102 (philly radio station). i went there every day and picked one picture. this sucks.

ME wrote on 2006/03/01:
I WANT IT BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

christopher walken wrote on 2006/03/08:

Miataman wrote on 2006/03/27:
There were a bunch of volunteers who were working for it; they must know what happened. Come on, somebody tell us.

Eric wrote on 2010/10/26:
The answer is, none of you guys coughed up the dough.

They were running discreet ads at the top of the site for months, trying desperately to generate revenue to cover the costs of hosting, and in the end, I guess they failed.