Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

May 2002

Fansite and FAQ for the Pokey the Penguin comic. [via BrainLog]

Neil wrote on 2004/11/10:
Pokey the penguine is genius ^^ I like to write comics all the time and pokey has provided some new inspiration! Yes!!!

pengwnluver wrote on 2006/01/24:
i love peguins!!!!!!!they're adorable

owen wrote on 2006/02/14:
i love pokey the penguin!ive already made my own cartoons of him on paint,
and there pretty good

Name wrote on 2007/01/17:
I'm sure we're all used to the intermittent updates, I'm not complaining about that, but what happened to the Pokey fansites and the Collaborative Storytelling Contrivance and other fun Pokey games?