I'm curious, how do you organize them? By year/month/day? Or by subject? i wish there was windows version of iPhoto or something similar that doesn't suck.
That is sooo cool I totally understand how that can be possible. I just got one too like 3 days ago and I've been taking pictures like crazy. how big a memory card do you have? we got a 32mb with it. It's a Canon Sureshot G2, 4.0 megapixels. It takes great pictures. =)
milov wrote on 2002/05/23:
pinder: organized by month, with occasional specific subdirs ('trip to...' whereever). I try to rename each file with descriptive keywords so I can search thru al the photo dirs to find specific stuff.
Fidel: I've got a 32MB Smartmedia card as well. But the cam is only 1.3 megapixels so it probably fits more photos than yours... ;)
Fidel: I've got a 32MB Smartmedia card as well. But the cam is only 1.3 megapixels so it probably fits more photos than yours... ;)