What do you call this bird in your language? cerb wrote on 2002/09/13: een reiger :p peter wrote on 2002/09/13: I think it's called a "häger" in swedish. palla wrote on 2002/09/13: Sagi/japanese Adjam wrote on 2002/09/13: um... looks like either a stork or a herron to me rj wrote on 2002/09/13: and a heron it is! mados wrote on 2002/09/14: It's a "Reiher" in Germany. Sa wrote on 2002/09/14: For some reason, where I live ppl tend to call it an "auievaûh". Mario wrote on 2002/09/14: Look like a "garca" (brazilian portuguese) Eduardo wrote on 2002/09/16: Yes... It´s a "garça" (port). Have a lot of it near my grandma house. milov wrote on 2002/09/16: There's lots of them around here, but because I only ever see one at a time, I like to think it is the same one each time... ;) sannekke wrote on 2002/09/22: mmm reiger, definately Ronald wrote on 2002/10/08: Da's geen auievaûh, maar toch echt een régah. scott franklin wrote on 2005/11/09: i like the sight off these espially when flying. for me its very rare but fasinatting Matthew Goode wrote on 2005/11/23: hi scott, you are completely right it is beautiful, especially at this crisp time of year, i love birds Dorothy wrote on 2007/01/04: Matthew, please, write me.
Have a lot of it near my grandma house.