Here are some recent attempts at new iambald numbers that I got bored with and didn't finish. Moz/IE5+ req. as usual:
- 112-dashedspotlight.html
- 112-dragmulti.html (drag paths with mouse)
- 112-twoletters.html
- blockslide.html
Pleasant surprise, they even work in the new Opera 7 beta. Object-detection DOM-complient coding (rather than browser-agent-detection) pays off...
Milo sei grande!
Cool, reminds me of thinking about visualizing a musictracker without fixed pattern rows. Like a neurotic hihat is a very short path from left to right and below that, drawing a path for the bassdrum somewhat longer. Drawing a vertical path through those other paths should on collission for example exclude playing the sample, so there is a break in a monotonous beat or some other function applied to it..
Never mind.
<del>Object detection</del> <ins datetime="200211270957">HTML-compliant coding</ins>