sometimes it's amazing how far a little perpendicularity goes. nice how the curves contrast with the implied vertical line. also nice how the implied vertical almost creates a golden section.
990000 wrote on 2002/11/29:
oh, also nice how the explicit vertical on the left is telegraphed into the implied vertical on the right. there's also a nice perpendicular dialogue created by the lamp axis and the two verticals.
huphtur wrote on 2002/11/30:
damn 99, it just an ikea lamp.
990000 wrote on 2002/11/30:
a smiling woman
the painting Mona Lisa
it is nothing more
But, drawing the Mona Lisa took about four years. ;-)
milov wrote on 2002/11/30:
huphtur: and cheap too!
mados: Really? What I remember most from seeing the actual painting was how small it really was...
990000 wrote on 2002/11/30:
if something nice that takes four years to make is appreciated for four centuries, then another that takes four seconds to make should be appreciated for at least four minutes--not the milliseconds it takes to download on your underappreciated cable modem.
anyway, that wasn't my point. the point--now that i am forced to spell it out for you--is that there can be something more to a work of art than what you initially see.
pay attention to craftsmanship, not just novelty. look beyond what is "cool" and value timeless things like geometry, proportion, composition. read up on Michelangelo, Palladio or LeCorbusier and read about regulating lines (among other things). use your brain once in a while and stop watching so much TV. it'll turn you into a barbarian.
the painting Mona Lisa
it is nothing more
mados: Really? What I remember most from seeing the actual painting was how small it really was...
anyway, that wasn't my point. the point--now that i am forced to spell it out for you--is that there can be something more to a work of art than what you initially see.
pay attention to craftsmanship, not just novelty. look beyond what is "cool" and value timeless things like geometry, proportion, composition. read up on Michelangelo, Palladio or LeCorbusier and read about regulating lines (among other things). use your brain once in a while and stop watching so much TV. it'll turn you into a barbarian.
990000: Good argumentation.