The Referrers list (down and to the left from here) now sports a 'hide searches' option, which, when clicked, removes all search engine urls from the list; click again to unhide them... A quick hack to help me see the 'actual' referrers, without all that Google noise.
Javascript excerpt (should work in IE5+ and Moz):
hs = 1;
function hideSearches(el)
h = document.getElementById('refHolder');
ar_reflinks = h.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (i=0; i<ar_reflinks.length; i++)
if (ar_reflinks[i].className == 'kw')
ar_reflinks[i].style.display = hs ? 'none' : 'block';
= hs ? 'show searches' : 'hide searches';
hs = hs ? 0 : 1;