Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

July 2003

Creating slanted edges with CSS borders - neato; there's even an animated example of a vector-like pattern: by overlaying the "slant" with a slightly offset slant of similar size but coloured like the background, it's possible to create lines of any angle or length in regular DHTML -- without having to resort to IE-only VML code. [via Arthur is verweg!]

P01 wrote on 2003/07/07:
That kind of tricks makes me love DHTML even more.

Thank you for sharing.

milov wrote on 2003/07/07:
You're probably anxious to use this in a next 256b compo as well :)

P01 wrote on 2003/07/07:
^__^ using this in 256b and make something visually acceptable seems pretty hard, but I rather thought to a polygon routine I have in mind which is/was based on slope images stretching.

milov wrote on 2003/07/07:
> using this in 256b and make something visually acceptable seems pretty hard

That's the challenge, eh? ;)

First thing that came to my mind while reading this article was to create a grid or line of a bunch of these slants/pyramids and making them point or "look" at the mouse cursor, in a sort of organic wavey grass-in-the-wind motion.

P01 wrote on 2003/07/07:
Your "Filter > Extrusion > Pyramid" idea is neat. ATM I don't see how to deal efficiently with the grid, but I guess you'll have to assign the whole updated grid at each frame.