Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

September 2003


Adam wrote on 2003/09/26:

milov wrote on 2003/09/26:
no effects other than Auto levels.

Arthur! wrote on 2003/09/26:
Very nice!

pup wrote on 2003/09/26:
looks like homeworld.

Eduardo+Marquetti wrote on 2003/09/26:
Wow! I can see angels here! :)

990000 wrote on 2003/09/27:

Ruben wrote on 2003/09/27:
@milov: Can you tell me, what does the option 'Auto Levels' do exactly?

milov wrote on 2003/09/27:
"The Auto Levels command moves the Levels sliders automatically to set highlights and shadows. It defines the lightest and darkest pixels in each color channel as white and black and then redistributes intermediate pixel values proportionately. Because Auto Levels adjusts each color channel individually, it may remove or introduce color casts."

low wrote on 2003/09/28:
I'm impressed!