Indeed. And your site is a great example of that. Have you ever had a case of referrer spam ?
BTW, I've got tricked 1 or 2 times by your referrer box when I checked the referrers in my stats. I clicked on a link and shazaam the URL of my stats appeared in full on your site :p Oops
Yeah, that's tricky... ;)
I am getting hundreds of attempts at comment- and referrer-spam every day. I filter a lot of it via php but this new .htaccess-based method saves some cpu-power.
The new Nucleus referrer plugin checks the referring webpage to see if there is really a link to your site. That is a very solid way for verifying if you are(n't) dealing with spam (though links accessed through a webmail or online rss aggregator cannot be verified).
It could be a kind of magic bullet if in case of a fake referrer it send for approval an updated version of the .htaccess to the admin to filter referrer spams from/for similar domains.
However I fear such plugin put the server into a crawl during a spam fiesta with dozens/hundreds of spam attempts per minute.
Actually, Roel, that still doesn't provide fool-proof protection. All it takes is one smart enough spammer to keep a bucket of [ip] => [hostname1..hostnameN] translations and dynamically insert a link to all hostnames for the IP doing the request.
Anyway, the trick amounts to adding the following three lines to your .htaccess file:
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ".*(word1|word2|etc).*" BadReferrer
order deny,allow
deny from env=BadReferrer
I doubt it really interrest someone else but the admin of the site, and it exposes their site to referrer spam.
BTW, I've got tricked 1 or 2 times by your referrer box when I checked the referrers in my stats. I clicked on a link and shazaam the URL of my stats appeared in full on your site :p Oops
I am getting hundreds of attempts at comment- and referrer-spam every day. I filter a lot of it via php but this new .htaccess-based method saves some cpu-power.
However I fear such plugin put the server into a crawl during a spam fiesta with dozens/hundreds of spam attempts per minute.