Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

December 2005

Konijntje Snoepfles

Yes, this is a 12m high inflatable green plastic bunny. Quite a sight to pass on my way to work every morning. More info...

Herman wrote on 2005/12/15:
Ah, de bewaking is inmiddels in handen van undercover agenten. (zie:

huphtur wrote on 2005/12/16:
that florentijn dude makes some cool stuff. i seen the block of blue buildings in rotterdam. now i know the story behind it.

Jan! wrote on 2005/12/16:
Wow, it's even 15 meters including the pedestal!

Yuri Vorontsov wrote on 2005/12/16:
Bloody scary....

@gar wrote on 2006/02/23:
it isn't that scary once you know it is called bunny ;)