frenchy! wrote on 2006/09/25: oooooooow.. tasty! Jan! wrote on 2006/09/25: Wobbly! Milo! wrote on 2006/09/26: What's with the exclamation mark, frenchy? It's as if you knew that Jan! would be commenting here as well :) Jan! wrote on 2006/09/26: lol :-) (that's right: lowercase and no exclamation mark, especially for you guys) Also, "now there's the inflated sense of self-esteem!" milo wrote on 2006/09/26: How many milo's on web? frenchy! wrote on 2006/10/08: Heheh.. With exclamation mark is the correct one, but kinda inconsistent use of my nick ;) Jan! - self-esteem? what?!?where?how?!? gniffel..
Also, "now there's the inflated sense of self-esteem!"
Jan! - self-esteem? what?!?where?how?!?