Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

January 2002 (continued)

Something interesting about this McAfee - AVERT page: the "This page current as of..." date is printed using Javascript, always showing the system date of the visitor's computer, providing no indication when the page contents were actually updated. That's real reassuring... [via RISKS Digest]

December 2001

Impressive self-sorting DHTML table by svendtofte.

Include the following at the top of your Javascript:

  cookies = [];
  for (c in C=document.cookie.split('; '))
Now you can access your cookies like this:

Wrap your head around this: Higher order programming in Javascript - using functions as values:

    function (x,y) {

November 2001
This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but ...
You may not know this, but ...
You may never have heard of it before - but ...
So you know the theory behind OOP, but ...

'Hello World' in 114 programming languages. [via Metafilter]

Microsoft Newsgroups web interface.

Advogato: How non-programmers use documentation - with interesting comments. [via openwire]

The CSS equivalent of <nobr> is white-space: nowrap;
[via Wouterd]

If all goes well, the new should automatically be 'pinged' when I save this entry, indicating latest update...

Yay, it worked! I simply execute the following command along with the MySQL INSERT statement (haven't yet figured out all that XML-RPC stuff):

$ping = file('');

October 2001

Doctype switching: A summary (+ summary of summary)
[via Glish]

Valid XHTML 1.0!

The full-version website of the Groninger Museum uses clever multiple chromeless-window scripting, to create an irregularly (=non-rectangular) shaped window. Rather annoying and unusable of course (definitely not something you would expect of a museum), but interesting nonetheless. [via mailing list]

Couldn't get this to work in Mac IE5:
clip:rect(0 100 100 0);

Turns out I had to use 'px' unit indicators:
clip:rect(0px 100px 100px 0px); - java/dhtml/vml experiments by [via] - great domain name. some neat dhtml experiments in minimalistic standards-compliant design. [submitted]

September 2001

Programming the Atari 2600 VCS at

I'm going on vacation, so no updates for a week and a half. In the mean time, why not entertain yourself with this: (Moz/IE5/IE6 req.)

Using a combination of PHP and Javascript-DOM-scripting, the structure on this page will grow in different directions depending on the number of referrers that link to it.

The referrers have to be unique, so there's no point in refreshing endlessly. Rather, spread the word and watch it grow when linked by more and more sites.

GREP for Linguists [via sapphireblue]

UNIX Basics: Shell Programming
[via dangerousmeta]

August 2001

Two views of the scripting world of 2005, by Davey Winer. [via Metafilter]

MSDN: "DXML" on the Client
MSDN: DHTML Dude: Fun with Tables

This image (at has a src-param not pointing to a file, but to a javascript: variable (view the source). Apparently, it's possible to use js to generate basic 2-bit images, in XBM-format. Interesting...

Another example, via Google: Dr. Clue's XBM Editor

The Nokiko SVG Project - lots of links to SVG tutorials and samples. (SVG is an XML-based graphics format).
[via Camworld]

DHTML hover effects - a little experiment in mouseover dynamic object manipulation I made last night.

Wow, the various indent styles commonly used in source code actually have names. Mine's Allman, definitely.

(Read lots more interesting stuff at The Jargon File).

Please don't spawn popup-windows like this:
<a href="'foo.html');">

or this:
<a href="#" onclick="'foo.html');">

rather, use:
<a href="foo.html" onclick=";return false;">

- statusbar still indicates where you're going
- non-js users (and search-engines) still end up at the correct page
- current page doesn't jump to top (faux-anchor '#' evil)
- shift- and right-click options still open the correct page

Apparently using return false; in the href can mess up some browser's popup-blocking, so watch out if you care about that (haven't noticed it myself, but then again, I almost never use popups). [via]

Shortest syntax for preloading images in Javascript (in answer to a question by Wouterd yesterday):

for(i in ['larry.gif','moe.gif',
'curly.gif'])(new Image()).src=M[i];

July 2001

Wow, Google can also output search results as xml!

DyNAMiC-cOre.Net is running a series of articles on creating a DHTML game. With parallax scrolling!
[via Dithered]

'height: 100%' discussion at
[via massless]

Ah, I was looking for this but couldn't find it anywhere: Conditional HTML comments, foregoing the need for JS browser checks. Example:

<!--[if IE]>
Shown in IE, hidden in other browsers.

<![if ! IE]>
Hidden in IE, shown in other browsers.
<![endif]> zegt: "Internet Explorer geeft voor deze site de beste resultaten! Downloaden (klik hier)". Achter 'klik hier' schuilt geen link, maar een <font> met een onclick-event, en laat dat nu juist niet in Netscape werken. Handig... ;)

If you're curious how 92 works, view source of file 92_full.html - a non-compressed version with extra comments.

iambald 92 - animation using css border styles and DOM scripting. Click anywhere in the black background for more effects.

I tried to optimize this one for size also - didn't quite reach my goal of 512 bytes or less. It's still pretty feature-packed for a 789-byte file, though.

iambald 91 - my first attempt at creating a dhtml animation in under 512 bytes. 5K or 4K is way too roomy to be challenging these days...

June 2001

Fluid design experiment - click the buttons on the right to magically transmorph the layout. [via TastyLog]

October 2000

<WEB4096>, the minimalistic web-art competition, is accepting submissions, which can be a combination of HTML/JS, Flash and Java. Maximum size is 4096 bytes, of course.

The competition didn't quite get global exposure when it first ran a year ago, but if Sylloge's 5k contest was any indication, they should expect a LOT of submissions this time. Spread the word... [via CFXweb]

September 2000

Antenna mentions a very useful and simple trick to create clickable labels for form-elements in Internet Explorer (something I had up until now been using Javascript-hrefs for):

   <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" ID="foo">
   <LABEL FOR="foo">click me</LABEL>

I'd like to expand on that and recommend adding LABEL { cursor:hand; } to your style sheet definition so people realise they can actually click on the labels.

For the gamers: "Everything I Needed To Know I Learned From FPS", Part I and Part 2. [via]

May 2000

Collecting some links to Java-applet demo effects:
- X-Calibre Java page
- jvector java demos
- digital nerds java demos


April 2000

Here's a list of all final entries of the 5K Contest, for the first time including the names of the makers. A lot of good stuff in there...

Rather than mentioning my own 5k-entry once again (try and find it, it's in there), I thought I'd link to some other nice/interesting ones:
- 22: neat drawing tool
- 26: 'we are friend, love us not squishing'
- 33: 5k magazine
- 70: Sierpinsky carpet
- 110: Battleship!
- 168: auto-scrolling Gettysburg address
- 187: haikus over mount Fuji
- 209: intuitive block-stacker

Lots of interesting stuff to read at Joel on Software. Reading thru his insightful articles on usability and UI-design I find it surprising that his (relatively lengthy) pages use a bright white background - not very pleasant for one's eyes, especially late at night. But that's nothing a little Javascript bgcolor-changer can't fix.