Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

March 2011 (continued)

aan de confetti op de Wateringse straten te zien heb ik een carnavalsoptocht gemist

great light for photos today

RT @OlafurArnalds: Good news! I'm on the same agency as Justin Bieber now.

February 2011

RT @codinghorror: omg @jzy just told me in the next version of OS X we will be able to RESIZE WINDOWS FROM ANY CORNER OR EDGE. Feel the ...


RT @quarkness: google adwords vouchers zijn de nieuwe aol cd'roms (niet dat ik die ooit gehad heb) #waardeloos

working out an idea for a new js colour picker (12 years after )

pistache milkshake

RT @paulrouget: We (mozilla) are looking for an awesome design for "about:credits" (type that in your URL bar). Any awesome/crazy/sexy i ...

some shots from saturday's fun @photocollective meetup in The Hague:

RT @TheRoel 1 tramperron op Den Haag CS is gesloten. De tram heeft een paal proberen op te eten.

RT @paul_irish The WHATWG HTML5 Spec, redesigned for web developers by @benschwarz - launching today:

RT @paulrouget * must read * @paul_irish about requestAnimationFrame

RT @jansn mr @milo tijdens UPC vandaag (komt later nog op Flickr) - mysterieuze omschrijving voor vandaag, ben benieuwd (@paulvelder @photocollective)

RT @martenmantel Poolse literatuur zou makkelijker te lezen zijn als die mięręn ęr niet stęęds męt dę woordęn vąndoor zoudęn gąąn.

Eiern Lion Zion

RT @quarkness: als dit allemaal mogelijk is...

enjoying exploring the growing network of @StackExchange sites lately, always something interesting to read and learn

happy to be seeing Iron & Wine in Paradiso again tonight, 3 years after the first time! hope it'll be just as great.

The King's Speech

RT @meg_kerr: This is so priceless. Reactions to Arcade Fire's Grammy win: (via @alanjpalmer) - this is so great

RT @mvexel: Reads like a Ludlum novel - Search Optimization and Its Dirty Little Secrets - Interim Apple Chief Under Fire After Unveiling Grotesque New MacBook (via @simonw)

RT @simonw: I've started collecting #hashbanghell links at

RT @in_focus: After much wait and work, the new blog is now live!

RT @RobKemerink: going to see TRON: Legacy later today. At last. Here's some nice concept art from the '82 movie - a few of my favourite photos of last year, in descending chronological order

great new WTF podcast with character actor Stephen Tobolowsky (starts at 16:32):

Agnes Obel

faves of my 19 #IFFR 2011 films: Cirkus Columbia, PinoySunday, 22Mei, Illégal, SmallTownMurderSongs, The Days After, Tuesday After Christmas

RT @matthewbaldwin: I am hanging out at the intersection of the 21st and 18th centuries, reading a paperbound book about HTML5.

RT @NSCommunicatie: Reizigers met een gefraudeerde OV Chipkaart riskeren 4 uur opsluiting in een geel-blauwe cel in een weiland. Zonder ...

#IFFR film 19: Water Hands: 2.5/5: lovely footage of photogenic natural/urban landscapes, but a bit too slow to enjoy as 3rd film of the day

#IFFR film 18: 22 Mei (Koen Mortier, BE): 4/5. original, intense, gritty, surreal, moving, even a bit funny

#IFFR film 17: The Journals of Musan (Park Jung-Bum, KR): 3.5/5

#IFFR film 16: Kaidan (2nd viewing). Had to go see this one again and witness the presence of all 4 directors!

#IFFR film 15: Tuesday, after Christmas (Radu Muntean, Romania): 4/5. filled with amazing 10-minute-long single-shot scenes

Ochiai, Lee Sang-Il, Tsukamoto, Kore-eda @ Kaidan screening: #iffr

wow -results-62914

#iffr tweets van mezelf, @xiffy en @TheRoel onderaan bladzijdes in de Daily Tiger van vandaag te vinden, gezellig!

#IFFR film 14: Illégal (Olivier Masset-Depasse, BE): 4.5/5. Intense, moving, wow. followed by nice q&a w/director in @LantarenVenster lobby

#IFFR film 13: Pinoy Sunday (Ho Wi-ding, TW): 4.5/5. fun fun fun! a film that you leave whistling or singing

RT @frenchy_rjp: #IFFR2011 #IFFR @milo - you're famous! Check today's Daily Tiger p7..

zaal 1 in nieuwe Lantaren/Venster ruikt lekker naar nieuw hout. #iffr

#IFFR film 12: Cirkus Columbia (Danis Tanovic): 5/5! my fave so far, great film by director of No Man's Land

#IFFR film 11: Outrage (Takeshi Kitano, JP): 3.5/5

January 2011

#IFFR film 10: Characters (Son Kwang-Ju): 3/5. original, perhaps too abstract/meta story in gorgeously composed HD shots. world premiere!

#IFFR film 9: The High Life (Zhao Dayong, CN): 3/5. photogenic urban rooftops and streets, poetry-writing prison guards, nice

#IFFR film 8: Oki's Movie (KR): 3.5/5. seeing any new Hong Sang-soo film always makes me understand his previous ones slightly better

#IFFR film 7: Somewhere (Sofia Coppola, US): 3.5/5. nice to hear some Phoenix music in the soundtrack

#IFFR film 6: Kaidan Horror Classics (JP): 4/5. long sit, was worth it for the final short, Kore-eda's moving and beautiful "The Days After"

#IFFR film 5: Zebraman 2 (Takashi Miike, JP): 3/5

day off from #IFFR today, continuing tomorrow with Zebraman 2, Kaidan, Somewhere and Oki's Movie

RT @DutchBloggies Foto's van de afscheidsborrel:

#IFFR film 4: Pure Asia (Katashima Ikki, JP): 3/5. tasty b/w shots, unfortunate silly ending

#IFFR film 3: South Asian Shorts: SolaceOfLoneliness: 3.5/5. fine poetic collection of indian/pakistani/srilankan shorts by young directors

RT @DutchBloggies: Dutch Bloggies 2010 : Mooie Panoramafoto van de laatste DB-Borrel

RT @mauricedehond: RT @rolandvanpeppen: “@mauricedehond: Ben heel benieuwd hoeveel zetels Groen Licht zondag heeft.” Ik ook. Er zullen e ... foto's @dutchbloggies met
@low @bopp @wimdebie @Zijperspace @schemer @10inc @electricluna @frankmeeuwsen @JeroenMirck

#IFFR film 2: Small Town Murder Songs (Ed Gass-Donnelly): 4/5. Great lead performance by Peter Stormare, awesome music by Bruce Peninsula

#IFFR film 1: el invierno de los raros (Rodrigo Guerrero, Argentina): 3/5

RT @fraying: If newspapers still had any spine, we wouldn't need Wikileaks.

I made 21,000 photos in 2010

RT @bopp: RT @posttoast: Genius! Html 4.01 Transitional Logo

RT @pechakucha_ams: A nice series of pictures by Milo Vermeulen, taken at last Wednesday's PechaKucha Night...

RT @AFFR: You can do many movies at the # IFFR 2011. A few tips from the AFFR for architects and planners. - attended @pechakucha_ams night in @TrouwAmsterdam with swell presentations by @drunkmen, @recensiekoning and others - photos of last month's @photocollective 'Exposure' meetup with @ipears and @UrbanLocations

deel je #IFFR agenda: klik "deel mijn agenda" op , mail jezelf, klik Koop Tickets in mail, kopieer url

RT @MarketaIrglova: I'm in Los Angeles, iron and wine has asked me to sing with them during some shows, I'm honored and excited. On (con ...

RT @mikkohypponen Here's an initiative for /humans.txt, not entirely unlike /robots.txt:

livin' la vida lokaal

RT @martijn: "The fact that you have your first name on Twitter should not be a big deal. But there is nerd cachet to it." http://on.wsj ...

my #IFFR schedule: a91b43f47

RT @patrickrhone: Sometimes, Apple can be a pain in the ass. — The day Steve Jobs dissed me in a keynote | Derek Sivers http://instapape ...

note to calendar apps/sites: don't show a dayofmonth number in icon unless it actually dynamically reflects the current date. #confusing #ui

RT @paulrouget: The Skype Toolbar is one of the top crashers of Firefox and was involved in 40,000 crashes last week http://blog.mozilla ...

#IFFR zin in 13 Assassins, EssentialKilling, Headshots, Kaidan, Zaborgar, King's Speech, Oki's Movie, Outrage, Parked, Somewhere, Tiger Eyes

niet lang hoeven zoeken naar VK #iffr bijlage zoals sommige mensen op twitter, maar fijn weer kunnen ophalen bij m'n vaste bron, m'n ouders

weer fijn films omcirkelen in volkskrant #iffr bijlage

RT @simonstl: spec to reuse CSS to hyperlink any CSS-selectable point in any page, incl. #html5 w/ @meyerweb

results of sunday morning "Empty Streets" (and chickens) @photocollective meetup in Binckhorst Den Haag

RT @DutchBloggies Laat weten of je er 26 januari ook bij bent, op de Dutch Bloggies Nieuwjaarsborrel:

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