Nice, strong images. Are you doing this with a digital camera or with an older camera? [analogue camera, I suppose, though I like 'chemical camera']
milov wrote on 2002/11/24:
All digital, all the time :). I have never even owned a 'chemical' camera myself. (And don't really plan to, considering most photographic film has a gelatin coating.)
huphtur wrote on 2002/11/24:
so wait.. yur saying takin film foto is not vegan?
milov wrote on 2002/11/24:
Definitely not vegan, and since gelatin is made from *dead* animals, I wouldn't want to use it, as a vegetarian.
YEARK! I did! I ate gelatin yesterday at lunch! :-) (I think was a duck, I hear something like "QUAC" when I was eating it)
milov wrote on 2002/11/25:
did some Googling...
Gelatin is made from "bones, skins, and hides of cows and pigs".But hey, at least it doesn't contain hooves... :-0
Gelatin is made from "bones, skins, and hides of cows and pigs".But hey, at least it doesn't contain hooves... :-0