- 2840. bridge nightshot
- 2833. perforator and desklight, inverted
- 2792. young swan
- 2768. tram
- 2731. meer koeten
- 2665. desk bw
- 2578. pigeon
- 2575. meerkoet family 2
- 2459. furball
- 2423. construction
Update: inline version of Jan!'s bookmarklet below for easy dragging to Links-toolbar: !all images
javascript:var maxWidth = maxHeight = 150, html = '<body bgcolor="black">', img = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i < img.length; i++) { html += '<img style="max-width: ' + maxWidth + 'px; max-height: ' + maxHeight + 'px;" src="' + img[i].src + '" alt="' + img[i].alt + '" />'; } html += '</body>'; var d = window.open('', '').document; d.write(html); void d.close();
Yessir, that's me being ever so productive again.