Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
MrWong's Soup'Partments - giant collaborative pixel art tower, ever growing, apparently... [via]
TCUP - The Collective Unconsciousness Project - a collaborative dream journal. [via agent2200 by suejon]
SITO - Gridcosm - pretty cool collaborative art project. Try the MPEG fly-through. [via Uren.Dagen.Nachten] has a collaborative drawing app in Flash (click 'Launch Multi-user Interface'). Apparently displayed live in a museum in Copenhagen. [via] - interesting collaborative artwork project. I've just submitted a tile of my own. [via some thread on]
Het ViZioN weblog is pas twee dagen en twee posts oud, maar wordt al druk bezocht. Komt natuurlijk door al die referstat-surfers die ze reeds gelinkt hebben in de sidebar (waaronder
Mooie verzameling winterfoto's. [via]
Slight reworking of the linksportal: link-submit-form now appears inline in the rightmost column.
This collaborative whiteboard (Java-applet) is very addictive. It's fun seeing an image appear right before your eyes, drawn by multiple people at the same time.