Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

May 2012

RT @paulrouget: Automatic update for Firefox 3.6 to Firefox 12 happening NOW! We will see much less Firefox 3.6 in the coming days. Please, RT!

November 2011

Firefox UI design elements by Alex Faaborg that didn't make the cut: (via @webmonkey)

April 2006

dragdropupload extension for Firefox - drop files into file upload forms instead of browsing

March 2006

December 2005

reflection.js demo - nice use of Firefox 1.5's CANVAS feature [related] [via]

July 2005

Simon Willison: Dissecting the Google Firefox Toolbar

May 2005

Dive Into Greasemonkey [via]

February 2005

add a live HTML validation error/warning indicator to your Firefox statusbar

Nick Verstappen - Waarom een modernere browser?

January 2005

disable PDF plugin

After trying a couple of Adobe Reader Speedup tools and tricks, I realized the handiest and most-guaranteed-to-work way to stop Firefox from freezing whenever I clicked on a .pdf was to simply disable the PDF plugin (via Tools -> Options -> Downloads -> Plug-Ins), causing each .pdf to be opened outside of the browser. No more slowdowns, yay!

December 2004

enable Firefox Inline Autocomplete [via]

Secrets of Firefox 1.0 [via]

Proof of Concept New Google Suggest Extension for Firefox [via]

First Look at Firefox-Based Netscape [via]

November 2004

Currently installed Firefox extensions:
ChromEdit, ColorZilla, IEView, View Cookies, Linky, Digger, Add Bookmark Here, Autohide, Go Up, Undo Close Tab and EditCSS.

Of these, Undo Close Tab is the one I miss the most after every fresh new Firefox install. Always a shock if I find out too late I've forgotten to install it... :)

Add Bookmark Here is a recent discovery that I'm liking a lot. It really takes the frustration out of trying to add a bookmark to a specific (sub)folder.

October 2004

Skinning Gmail with a Custom Stylesheet [via]

September 2004

A Guide To Firefox Extensions [via]

Undo Close Tab extension for Firefox/Moz

August 2004

Spoofing the Firefox 0.9 UI [via]

July 2004

How to write Firefox extensions [via]