Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

January 2012

actor Merijn de Jong and director Fow Pyng Hu of "Nick"

#IFFR 2012: actor Merijn de Jong and director Fow Pyng Hu of "Nick"

Masahiro Kobayashi, director of Women on the Edge, on the roof of De Doelen

#IFFR 2012: Masahiro Kobayashi, director of Women on the Edge, on the roof of De Doelen

Yoni Brook and Musa Syeed, cinematographer and director of Valley of Saints

#IFFR 2012: Yoni Brook and Musa Syeed, cinematographer and director of Valley of Saints

May 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox ♥

Fantastic Mr. Fox ♥

November 2007

Camera/Studio, Utrecht

Camera/Studio, Utrecht

January 2006

IFFR day 5

Seen today:
Clear People
Basically a collage of scenes and sounds in and around an apartment complex, emphasis more on the surroundings than on the people. Lots of interesting shots that made me wish the picture quality/resolution was better.
Linda Linda Linda
Probably the movie I had the highest expectations for, and though it started a little slow, I was not disappointed. Lots of very funny moments, some subtle, some not so subtle but not at all as slapstick-y as I was fearing. With a great soundtrack (highlight: a version of Happy End's 風来坊 by 湯川潮音). My new favourite.
Black Brush
Since Ode to Joy was sold out I went to this one instead, which turned out to be very funny and entertaining. With a very cool occasional thumping soundtrack-beat by the director's brother, that I wish would occur even more often during the film.
Beautiful Chilean film. Reminiscent of Amélie in parts, though far less fantastical. Another definite favourite.
Look for Me (short)

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IFFR day 3

pathé nightshot
Didn't have anything planned for today (most interesting films were sold out and most non-sold-out films didn't seem interesting), but decided at the last minute to attend the Nagasaki Shunichi interview in the Schouwburg, which inspired me to go and see his Heart, Beating in the Dark (new version), which turned out to be pretty good.

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IFFR vipspotting

Tony Rayns, Nagasaki Shunichi, translator guy and Mizushima Kaori at the Q&A after Wild Side/After That, all completely blinded by the stage lights, unable to see who in the audience wanted to ask a question.

Films seen on my first day at the festival:
The Lost Hum
Having to wait for 30 minutes until the "technical difficulties" with the projector were solved made this seem a very long sitting, but still an impressive unusual and original film.
The first and only Iraqi film I've ever seen, and it's a great one... Shot with mostly non-actors in various very photogenic locations in and outside of Baghdad, all the more amazing after hearing the director talk about how the crew itself had (and has) to deal with threats and kidnappings as well.
The Magicians (short)
Very moving 40 minute story filmed in one single continuous shot by Song Ilgon (three films of whom appear in my best-of-2005 list).
Haze (short)
Shinya Tsukamoto's amazingly intense vision of claustrophic hell, painful to watch at times but still left me wanting for more. Looking forward to seeing the extended 49 minute version.
Worldly Desires (short)
After That
The first Nagasaki film I saw, apparently one of his most inaccessible (or so Tony Rayns warned). A behind-the-scenes documentary with very poor picture and sound quality, the first half is difficult to sit through, but the second half gets quite funny and exciting as the filmcrew secretly trails the girlfriend of one of the actors through Tokyo.
Wild Side (short)

September 2005

Pathé roof

July 2005 - Asian Cinema

April 2005


April 2003
