Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

October 2012


May 2012





April 2012

caution! uneven surface, Howth, Ireland

Howth, Ireland

social media chalk, Dublin

social media chalk, Dublin

March 2012


June 2011

op 24 maart 1961...

op 24 maart 1961...

June 2006

shadow over mural

shadow over mural

begins with m

May 2006


giftshop wah kiu, rotterdam


April 2006

(click for full view)


Something I spotted in Hamburg; no idea what they meant...

Altona wall

Altona wall
I love faded/weathered stuff like this.

March 2006

Altona statue
opposite view of 3562.

February 2006

chinese new year in rotterdam

chinese new year

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January 2006

IFFR day 3

pathé nightshot
Didn't have anything planned for today (most interesting films were sold out and most non-sold-out films didn't seem interesting), but decided at the last minute to attend the Nagasaki Shunichi interview in the Schouwburg, which inspired me to go and see his Heart, Beating in the Dark (new version), which turned out to be pretty good.

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rotterdam nightshot
Weena at night, waiting at the new trafficlight.

rotterdam nightshot
Hartmansstraat looking at Karel Doormanstraat.

September 2005

uitrit vrulaten

uitrit vrulaten
Subtle black tape hack, this one... Almost had me fooled.


August 2005

rotterdam signs

rotterdam signs

crane arches

marking on car window

July 2005

photo: pigeon


June 2005

verwarrend bord

"voetgangers afstappen"??

April 2005

March 2005

parking lot

February 2005

Zoek de fout(en)...

June 2003

February 2003

The same window where I shot this mirror photo...

November 2002

August 2002

22:24. blue/gray inversion

February 2002

020213_lights.jpg (cropped)

Yay big inline photos...