Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography

October 2005 (continued)

ladybug on the roof

ladybug on the roof

sunset reflection

sunset reflection

on the roof

on the roof

rotterdam streetlights

September 2005

five pigeons and a bicycle

rotterdam silhouettes

sculpture steps
side view of weena sculpture

Pathé roof

red zebra crossing

August 2005

messy schouwburgplein

messy schouwburgplein
Aftermath of the Chinese Festival in Rotterdam (taken Monday evening).

fixing the light

fixing the light

rotterdam signs

rotterdam signs

coolsingel sculpture

coolsingel sculpture

weena sculpture

weena sculpture
What I was actually photographing before I spotted 3215 in the background...




oval inset window

July 2005

photo: pigeon



Oorzaak van de rookpluim die nu over Rotterdam hangt

And here's how it looked from our perspective:

rotterdam perspective

June 2005

verwarrend bord

"voetgangers afstappen"??

paint splash

rotterdam crossing

ellen nav

rotterdam weena bw

click to view big

Much like the previous photo, having to walk a different route because of the construction works at Rotterdam CS lead to another lucky photo opportunity today.

photo: rotterdam tram

red crane and ribbon

May 2005

two birds