Sweet Station: Chicken Museum, by Thomas Mailaender http://sweet-station.com/blog/2012/09/chicken-museum-by-thomas-mailaen der/
Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
Sweet Station: Chicken Museum, by Thomas Mailaender http://sweet-station.com/blog/2012/09/chicken-museum-by-thomas-mailaen der/
RT @waxpancake: Added my Daily Dot interview to Google Calendar. Ended up with "Dot interview" on my calendar, repeated every day, forever.
100% Client Side QR Code Reader using getUserMedia() + Webcam http://miniqr.com/docs/demo/index.html (via http://html5weekly.com/archive/53.html )
Bert & Ernie reenact the ending of Breaking Bad S05E08 http://i.imgur.com/SfzAO.jpg
“E” by SPANGLE CALL LILLI LINE is my new jam. ♫ http://t.thisismyjam.com/milo/_31jxurx
RT @draadloos: Oh nee, het gaat helemaal mis met het nieuwe Centraal Station, nou ja, met de spatiëring dan. (via @pietschreuders) http://typographica.org/on-typography/roof-kerning-in-amsterdam/
RT @spatiegebruik: Ik heb vannacht een vreselijke nachtmerrie gehad... ik zag overal logo's met onjuiste spaties! Brrr. http://twitter.com/spatiegebruik/status/242943256168632320/photo/1
RT @patrickarink: Eend met kuikens steekt snelweg over. http://nrch.nl/hhh Daar krijg je dan deze toepasselijke VVD-advertentie bij. http://twitpic.com/ar02yo
RT @troyhunt: Reddit's response headers still crack me up: http://yfrog.com/nvidppp <- wonder if they've snared anyone?!
We Are Back http://www.wab.com - classic 90s cracktros redone in js/canvas (via @threeze, @waxpancake) #demoscene
RT @vandenb: Ringtones op deze afdeling: geen. Ik zit bij nerds, en nerds bellen niet. Klein paradijsje.
RT @ebertchicago: The best internet cat video ever made. Winner of the Cat Video Festival: http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/the-best-cat-video-of-all-time.html
awesome Breaking Bad season 1&2 dance remix/montage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqdmqRgrIc (via http://boingboing.net/2012/08/30/breaking-bad-dance-remix-music.html )
The Best Interface is no Interface - http://www.cooper.com/journal/2012/08/the-best-interface-is-no-interfa ce.html/ (via @EduardoMorais )
RT @rtfeldman: "You spent all this time coming up with ten lines of code?" "No, I spent all this time *getting it down to* ten lines of ...
“IN YOUR JEEP” by East End is my new jam. ♫ http://t.thisismyjam.com/milo/_2ytrmmh
new Firefox add-on has real bite http://i.imgur.com/dCqbq.jpg (via http://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/z1okr/it_would_appear_firefox_has _a_new_addon/ )
someone in this train is using opening notes of track 1 of Sufjan Stevens' "Illinois" as a ringtone. not bad.
tableflipper http://tableflipper.com , by @benbrown
RT @brad_frost: Complex Navigation Patterns for Responsive Design http://bradfrostweb.com/blog/web/complex-navigation-patterns-for-respo nsive-design/ New post from earlier today.
RT @adactio: Finding more classics on The Mirror Project. This is where @Zeldman’s beanie-meme originated: http://mirrorproject.com/galleries/movie_auditions_for_the_part_of_ser ial_killer_1_some_unsuccessful/540/
fun seeing these again: http://mirrorproject.com/search/?q=Milo+Vermeulen RT @mirrorproject: Ladies and gentlemen, for your Monday morning pleasure: The Mirror Project
catching up to a whole lot of @Herring1967's Edinburgh Fringe Podcasts (RHEFP!) http://www.comedy.co.uk/podcasts/richard_herring_edinburgh/
RT @davewiner: Why it's so hard to find a photo of Neil Armstrong on the moon. http://hs.r2.ly/
RT @tenhoope: Adverteren op een mobiele site doe je zo http://twitter.com/tenhoope/status/238531637766418432/photo/1
buurman wordt gebeten door eigen, doorgaans rustige, vogeltjes. "au! au! pas op he! dat mag niet! waag het!"
RT @Zidouta: Je wil toch geen taalfout in je logo? RT @wimpijbes: Nieuw logo #Rijksmuseum zojuist onthuld, ontwerp Irma Boom https://twitter.com/wimpijbes/status/238227910736109568/photo/1
Een propere trein voor allen, allen voor een propere trein.
today we cycled 75km, from Cambrai (FR) to Tournai (BE); managed to work our way thru a roads-closed-but-not-quite cycle race along the way
after 4 failed attempts at finding open bike shop this morning, finally got a new chain on my bike this afternoon thanks to Intersport Noyon
RT @thomasfuchs: Responsive websites are really hard to use when you are used to the desktop version. No zooming means no non-linear access.
broken bike chain + all repair shops closed because of le 15 août = we're staying in hotel, sleeping in real bed for the 1st time in 16 days
nieuwsgierige buurjongetjes op camping verbazen met het feit dat we helemaal hierheen gefietst zijn (met stukje trein). "pas de voiture?!!"
na 80km fietsen van Salency naar Labruyere blijkt camping gesloten; gelukkig mogen we voor 1 nacht op een veldje van de paardenranch staan
RT @troyhunt: Just blogged: Lessons in website security anti-patterns by Tesco http://www.troyhunt.com/2012/07/lessons-in-website-security-anti.html
RT @_: Announcers haven’t adopted to widescreen, leading to hilariously awkward shots of them needlessly close to each other. pic.twitter.com/yj01CBQj
RT @ZachWeiner: Anti-Vaccine Movement Causes The Worst Whooping Cough Epidemic In 70 Years - Forbes http://onforb.es/Mz2WhH via @sharethis
TED Talks: Femto-photography, imaging at a trillion frames per second http://www.ted.com/talks/ramesh_raskar_a_camera_that_takes_one_trillio n_frames_per_second.html (via @jwz http://www.jwz.org/blog/2012/07/femto-photography/ )
The Art of in-game Photography http://videogametourism.at/node/1634#.UBEHUIdH5Xs.twitter
fixed 123 http://milov.nl/e/123 counter-rotation on ipad by replacing (unsupported?) animation-direction:reverse with separate animation rule
Marc Maron interviews Dan Harmon http://g4.tv/NfbkA5
clever use of polar coordinates for generating tiled shadow maps http://www.jasonnall.com/polar/ via http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4282348
RT @codinghorror: who said the iPad can't be used to create art that touches the very soul of a man? http://imgur.com/Ac4Od (via @jzy)
Lightning Strike Rescue Op
RT @lrs: Mooi (en werkelijk prachtig opgemaakt) stuk over de Amsterdamse Krulletter (hetgeen leidde tot een computerfont) http://ilovetypography.com/2012/06/18/krul-the-untold-historyof-the-am sterdamse-krulletter/
RT @low: The Very Hungry Swan #lifeonahouseboat @ Low HQ http://instagr.am/p/NYMLi3ttsU/
"Took the garbage out and switched the bag. This is what I came back to."
http://i.imgur.com/4UZ5Yl.jpg (via http://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/wy8j2/took_the_garbage_out_and_sw itched_the_bag_this_is/ )
RT @ZachWeiner: Physics vs. Math http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=2675
RT @lrs: Rondgekeken bij tweedehandswinkel, zag daar dit fraai getitelde antwoordapparaat http://twitpic.com/aa6m4l
123 (css animation) - combined my old fave, border-style dashed, w/ border-radius 50%. Only works in Chrome, it seems: http://milov.nl/e/123
pareidoloop cleverly generates "faces" by combining random polygons, mutation, face detection: http://iobound.com/pareidoloop via http://javascriptweekly.com/archive/88.html
RT @Eelcompany: @onzetaal Voor de serie bijzondere kentekens: http://twitter.com/Eelcompany/status/185655535331315712/photo/1 --
RT @Vormplatform: STREET VIEW HORROR http://vormplatform.blogspot.com/2012/07/street-view-horror.html
RT @dbushell: em spaces are awesome
National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2012 - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/07/national-geographic-travele r-photo-contest-2012/100339/ via @arjandj
here's a timelapse animation I made last year while cleaning out some bookshelves: http://milov.nl/e/122
RT @OlafurArnalds: We found the @erasedtapes mountain in Iceland! http://twitter.com/OlafurArnalds/status/225640742515769344/photo/1
DAN METH - Combine the looseness of tiny ink doodles with the underlying order of graph paper: http://danmeth.com/post/27482498626/graphpaper via http://blog.drawn.ca/post/27487251136/graphpaper
I was curious what the Merkel Rainbow (http://thespectacleofthetragedy.eu/#24189987690 ) would look like as an animated gif: http://i.imgur.com/oFPaz.gif
RT @Pinboard: Since I mainly write in Polish to my family, it takes some presence of mind to not append 'love and kisses' to my Polish support emails
RT @4chan: Does anyone at @WIRED actually understand the Internet? http://twitter.com/4chan/status/224959727124230144/photo/1
RT @fschroiff: OMG, Girl's Twitter is the best twitter client ever. ✌✰•‿•✰✌ http://twitter.com/fschroiff/status/223465879629864960/photo/1
Next Nature - Angela Merkel Rainbow http://www.nextnature.net/2012/07/merkel-rainbow/ (via http://www.metafilter.com/117993/The-Pantone-Merkel-Chart )
watching The Newsroom ep 4, and realizing that in the past few years I've probably watched more fake tv news than actual real tv news
RT @vG_de: Photos by Henri Cartier-Bresson: http://j.mp/MuD08I
RT @ID_AA_Carmack: I was going to comment on use of booleans in API, and I found that it has an idiomatic name: "boolean trap": http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2011/08/hall-of-api-shame-boolean-trap.html
added some info and historical context to my Experiments page http://milov.nl/experiments/
RT @mikko: It's rare to see Flash *block* an ad but here you go:
RRRRRRRROLL_gif http://rrrrrrrroll.tumblr.com @RRRRRRRROLL (via http://kottke.org/12/07/i-love-this-animated-gif )
When Art, Apple and the Secret Service Collide: ‘People Staring at Computers’ http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/07/people-staring-at-computers/a ll/ via http://www.metafilter.com/117828/I-was-prepared-to-make-people-a-littl e-uncomfortable-but-I-didnt-want-to-do-anything-illegal
RT @rmurphey: What's wrong with @netmag's "Optimise your JavaScript" post https://gist.github.com/3086328 (with thanks to @cowboy @rwaldron & everyone else)
RT @Glinner: “I’d LOVE to download your app instead of going to the webpage I just tried to visit!”— No-one, ever. No-one in the future either.
Meeuw http://nrch.nl/emf via @nrc
RT @jsgoodies: 2d visibility; various algorithms to determine visibility in 2d games, includes live demos: http://js.gd/2qa
The Red Hallway Trick - neat use of custom white balance on DSLR http://youtu.be/2tb0y0RXe_I (video)
RT @morgan3d: Article on efficient and elegant hex and triangle grids indexing http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/game-programming/grids/
all of Stan Lee's Marvel film cameos http://imgur.com/a/FV0la via http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/wa501/all_of_stan_lees_marvel_ film_cameos/
wtf mobile web http://wtfmobileweb.com via @brad_frost
human skin colors matched to Pantone colors http://humanae.tumblr.com/ via http://kottke.org/12/07/pantone-colors-of-human-flesh
vrijdag veel moois gezien in een mooi gebouw: KABK Eindexamenexpo 2012 (25 photos, Pentax K01 + 40mm XS) http://milov.nl/photos/6326/kabk-eindexamenexpo-2012
RT @ebertchicago: "The 50 Greatest Matte Drawings of all Time." And glory be! *Not* a slide show! http://www.shadowlocked.com/201205272603/lists/the-fifty-greatest-matt e-paintings-of-all-time.html
Amsterdam street shots (16 photos) http://milov.nl/photos/6304/amsterdam-street-shots-2012-06-29 made with Pentax M 135mm F3.5 lens http://www.pentaxforums.com/lensreviews/SMC-Pentax-M-135mm-F3.5-Lens.h tml
RT @anildash: Rather than optimizing your website for Retina displays, invest your budget on the 30x as many people who have visual/sight challenges.
voor het eerst geleerd hoe Suske en Wiske in het Engels heten http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_and_Suzy
maakt niet uit joh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ky1QU8OMt0
Kinetic Rain sculpture by ART+COM http://www.artcom.de/aktuell/news/detail/changi-aiport-singapur-br-kin etic-rain/ via http://itsniceth.at/ajP