RT @codinghorror: Kon Boot: if you have physical access to the computer, passwords aren't relevant http://blog.superuser.com/2012/03/01/kon-boot-getting-into-a-clients-c omputer-without-using-a-portal-gun/
Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
RT @codinghorror: Kon Boot: if you have physical access to the computer, passwords aren't relevant http://blog.superuser.com/2012/03/01/kon-boot-getting-into-a-clients-c omputer-without-using-a-portal-gun/
RT @newsycombinator: Why did the Windows 95 Start button have a secret shortcut for closing it? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2012/02/13/10267063.aspx
Taskix - Reorder buttons in your Windows taskbar - unlike my old favourite Taskbar Shuffle, Taskix does have a version that works on Windows XP x64, yay. [via]
shadow - reflection - original
spotted at just the right time of day...
"Een typische milov-foto", zouden sommige mensen zeggen.
follow-up to 3403
november 2004
This photo was taken at noon yesterday. A very big, very dark raincloud turned the sky black.