RT @paulrouget: http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com http://mozillamemes.tumblr.com http://webkitmemes.tumblr.com
Interaction design • webdevelopment • web art • photography
RT @paulrouget: Automatic update for Firefox 3.6 to Firefox 12 happening NOW! We will see much less Firefox 3.6 in the coming days. Please, RT!
RT @torrez: I wrote this post so I could stop my annual Google search for “social site, friends, bugs, std, disease, eat poo” http://notes.torrez.org/2012/05/the-site-named-breedster.html
RT @mrtnkl: How I brought HTML5 to the Space Quest Creators’ Kickstarter http://tmblr.co/Zx4BzxL9PNu4 #SpaceVenture
RT @romancortes: In the mid 90s, the average website took 30 seconds to load. Currently, thanks to high speed internet, it only takes half a minute
RT @mikko: Believe it or not: GIF file format is 25 years old this month. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_Interchange_Format Some of my favourite GIFs: http://imgur.com/a/xCzXM #GIF87a
RT @martenmantel: RT @simonthegarcon: Ho's op de schwans want ik lijk op junior kraaij hans.
RT @brad_frost: Use your phone to control a game played in your desktop browser! Awesome! http://jsdo.it/controller #ffly #fftweet
RT @ArjAndj: Ezelsbruggetje voor basisschoolleerlingen: de tafel van 9 zit gewoon op je toetsenbord: http://nrch.nl/9yk
RT @morgan3d: Excellent random island generation algorithm, with code and derivation: http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/game-programming/polygon-ma p-generation/
RT @quarkness: Nieuwe search engine nrc.nl. Met grafiekje en alles! http://zoeken.nrc.io/?q=japan #softlaunch
RT @robdelaney: Now that Facebook bought Instagram, "The Social Network 2" will have to be directed by Wes Anderson.
RT @NickSherman: The Neue Haas Grotesk site is an experiment in SVG type specimens. Zoomable, prints at high res, defaults to GIFs in IE http://www.fontbureau.com/NHG/specimens/
RT @Vernoeming: De moeder van mevrouw Poepjes-Poepjes was mevrouw Poepjes-de Hoop http://www.vernoeming.nl/het-echtpaar-poepjes-wind/comment-page-1#comm ent-5739
RT @hackerfactor: Hacker Factor Blog: Fool Me Once http://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/archives/478-Fool-Me-Once. html
RT @chriscoyier: Mario animation (via rapid media query changes) by @btraut http://btraut.com/labs/mediamario/
RT @LeaVerou: Fascinating illustrated article explaining many of the odd characters in Unicode 6 (like Love Hotel) http://www.reigndesign.com/blog/love-hotels-and-unicode/ by @reigndesign
RT @martijn: De meneer die voor Dixons.nl de graphics maakt is licht taalkundig uitgedaagd. http://content.dixons.nl/media/wysiwyg/1400x350_frontpage_dix_1.jpg en http://content.dixons.nl/media/wysiwyg/frontpage_acer-nieuw.jpg
RT @AlexanderNL: Woei! @vpro heeft een aantal uren rauwe materiaal van Nederland van Boven online gezet voor niet-commercieel gebruik http://weblogs.vpro.nl/nieuws/2012/03/28/vpro-geeft-helicopterbeelden- vrij/
RT @jedschmidt: a fan this trick i learned from #JS1K: stick figure sprites in three bytes of hangul: 옷
RT @quarkness: Sprinter. Waar het verschil tussen eerste en tweede klas de kleur stoelen is.
RT @shauninman: I used smears, squash & stretch in TLR in the stepping animation and explosions. Check 1st screenshot here for example: http://shauninman.com/liftoff
RT @p01: JS1K Speech Synthesis - http://www.p01.org/releases/JS1K_Speech_Synthesizer/ - Speaks as you type and whole sentences in 1K of JavaScript #spoiler #formant #synthesis Enjoy
RT @ignorethecode: iPhoto's Mystery Meat Gestures http://ignco.de/433
RT @erikloman: nu.nl lijkt momenteel Java exploit te serveren vanuit India http://twitter.com/erikloman/status/179889389432877057/photo/1
RT @markloman: Dutch popular news site NU.nl appears to be serving Java exploit (drive-by malware) to users of IE. http://twitter.com/markloman/status/179891320838565888/photo/1
RT @butdoesitfloat: Moebius: Art is the big door, but real life is a lot of small doors that you must pass through to create something new http://butdoesitfloat.com/Art-is-the-big-door-but-real-life-is-a-lot-o f-small-doors-that-you
RT @js1k: ♥ Philip Buchanan's submission blew me away, wow! His "Autumn Evening" portrays a beautiful sunset http://js1k.com/2012-love/demo/1243 #js1k
RT @DaveGorman: @glinner @jackofkent updated post on the DMCA/Degban/@Flickr thing: http://gormano.blogspot.com/2012/03/oh-flickr-youve-been-degbanned.htm l Long. The Degban stuff = ridiculous.
RT @jedschmidt: late in finding it, but here's the video of my @140bytes presentation at the last @jsconfeu. i had so much fun with it: http://blip.tv/jsconfeu/jed-schmidt-140byt-es-building-a-web-framework -one-tweet-at-a-time-5663160
RT @tomcoates: I've been designing for iOS devices too long when the first thing I think when I hear 40% better saturation is "our apps will look weird"
RT @RobBrydon: This is probably the best thing you'll see today, Barry White and Lisa Stansfield... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ObEqe8YRuE&feature=fvst&noredi rect=1 I challenge you not to smile...
RT @codinghorror: Kon Boot: if you have physical access to the computer, passwords aren't relevant http://blog.superuser.com/2012/03/01/kon-boot-getting-into-a-clients-c omputer-without-using-a-portal-gun/
RT @Pinboard: My pal Aaron (a former flickr-r) has posted his own talk on parallel-flickr from #pda12; highly recommended! http://www.aaronland.info/weblog/2012/02/14/incentivize/#pda2012
RT @AlexanderNL: LOLblog over QR-codes http://wtfqrcodes.com/
RT @alistapart: “Did you know var π = Math.PI; is syntactically valid JavaScript?” @mathias plumbs the depths of variable naming:
http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-identifiers ^mm
RT @daraobriain: What a bunch of whiny fools... RT @guardianscience: Why we sued Simon Singh: the British Chiropractic Association http://gu.com/p/35jek/tf
RT @schill: Recall that thing my co-workers were seeing at my desk, and saying "holy crap!"? Look here for a sneak peek... http://www.betabeat.com/2012/02/21/flickr-is-getting-a-major-makeover/
RT @matthewbaldwin: I'm making a playlist of songs about guys who like to cuddle. So far I have Soundgarden's "Spoonman". What else?
RT @vandenb: De man voor wie ik het klaphekje in de tram openhield deed een schreeuwtje toen ik het na zijn getreuzel tegen zijn kruis liet klaphekken.
RT @dakami: http://dankaminsky.com/nerdflix #Nerdflix. Because LOL (wow. you guys are ridiculous)
RT @codinghorror: "take yourself out of your first world techie social media smart-shoes for a second [and] imagine this" http://www.metafilter.com/112698/California-Dreamin#4183210
RT @VegaSlager: "Het meeste water eten we op" Analyse waterverbruik in @Volkskrant . 40% waterconsumptie via dierlijke producten, 1kg vlees=15.000 liter water
RT @newsycombinator: Why did the Windows 95 Start button have a secret shortcut for closing it? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2012/02/13/10267063.aspx
RT @waxylinks: The Verge's analysis on apps that upload your contact list — finally, the data journalism article that everyone wanted after the Path debacle http://www.theverge.com/2012/2/14/2798008/ios-apps-and-the-address-boo k-what-you-need-to-know
RT @repponen: iOS '86 (Retro) http://repponen.livejournal.com/80856.html
RT @romancortes: 1kb rose, rotating: http://js1k.com/2012-love/demo/1100
RT @reggiewatts: Correction, I was given this sweater at my show n Amsterdam by a designer who's info I lost. Please help me find her! :) http://pic.twitter.com/ihqXofu8
RT @schill: "The tiniest GIF ever" (26 bytes vs. the typical 43.) http://probablyprogramming.com/2009/03/15/the-tiniest-gif-ever
RT @tomcoates: The best thing about not working at Yahoo is that you get to write Yahoo without a fucking exclamation mark after it.
RT @Teunvandekeuken: "ik ben een kwart MOE- lander" Mijn #Paroolcolumn van vandaag: http://teunvandekeuken.nl/teunschrijft/2012/02/moelander/
RT @Flickr: milov tells us how his photos on Flickr give him an easy visual reference to his life over the past 8 years http://blog.flickr.net/en/2012/02/11/8-years-8-members-8-stories-milov /
RT @waxpancake: This week on Wired, I dig into the risks of using apps that access your Gmail: http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2012/02/perpetual-window-into-gmail/ Think before you oAuth!
RT @Glinner: In case you missed it yesterday, The Onion: 'Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8,500th Nuclear Weapon' http://onion.com/x9FOoo
RT @twholman: Nick Kwiatek's has a sweet ASCII fluid systems going on here - http://nkwiatek.com/ - (wiggle the mouse around). via @nkwiatek + @ahmattox
RT @darcypaquet http://Koreanfilm.org update: Darcy's top 9 (+1) Korean films of 2011. http://www.koreanfilm.org/new.html#2012-01-03
RT @romancortes: How I made the js1k rose: http://www.romancortes.com/blog/1k-rose/
RT @mahieu: ..Adobe Air (AS3) app.. op Mac Mini's :) Data komt van 1 server die alle netwerken afscant (php + alle api's) #IFFR #dashboard
RT @xiffy: Dag kitty http://twitpic.com/8ey536
RT @esheepcomix: New comic: THE FIRST WORD, a Flintpunk saga of sex, drugs, & global climate change: http://www.electricsheepcomix.com/delta/firstword/
RT @dwineman: If the mark of a good UI is that a child can use it, then the iPad multitasking gestures are a failure. Pure hindrance to small hands.
RT @doctorow: This http://boingboing.net/?p=141887 is one of the most shocking examples of crony capitalism in copyright regulation I've yet seen
RT @typodermic: Reportedly, @RutgerHaha has seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of @ConanObrien
RT @ikreis: Wil iemand even zijn jas komen afgeven bij de garderobe van de schouwburg? Ik verveel me. #IFFR #vrijwilliger
RT @postsecret: Day and Night Street Art (pic) http://twitter.com/postsecret/status/162990350779158528/photo/1
RT @newsycombinator: Fun with math: Dividing one by 998001 yields a surprising result http://j.mp/wKjA5w
RT @fschroiff: RTV Rijnmond interviewde @EevaLiukku en mij over @VersBeton, beluister het resultaat hier (6 minuten) http://www.rijnmond.nl/programmas/postkast/berichten/26-01-2012/postka st-vers-beton-reflecteert
RT @LeaVerou: If you use HTML5 and haven’t heard of @sjoerd_visscher, read @paul_irish’s article about the history of the HTML5 shiv http://paulirish.com/2011/the-history-of-the-html5-shiv/
RT @Gelada: Tim Gowers http://gowers.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/elsevier-my-part-in-its-downfal l/ and Stewart Lee http://m.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jan/22/stewart-lee-david-ca meron-pinewood-film?cat=commentisfree&type=article go well together on the crushing power of over-commercialisation
RT @mcsweeneys: In Which I Fix My Girlfriend’s Grandparents’ WiFi and Am Hailed as a Conquering Hero: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/in-which-i-fix-my-girlfriends-grand parents-wifi-and-am-hailed-as-a-conquering-hero
RT @mrdoob: State of the demoscene: 1991 - 2011 http://blog.subsquare.com/state-of-the-demoscene-in-numbers
RT @waxpancake: Metafilter joins the SOPA/PIPA protest, with a crazy story from @mathowie about Michael Jackson and a DMCA takedown: http://metatalk.metafilter.com/21380/SOPAPIPA-blackout
RT @ninnx: pre-coffee brain just casually reported "pterodactyl in front of the window". to be fair it was a pretty big seagull.
RT @StackMath: Great answer: Do "imaginary" and "complex" angles exist? http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/96151/do-imaginary-and-complex -angles-exist/96159#96159 #trigonometry
RT @kasthomas: Procedural textures in HTML5 canvas http://asserttrue.blogspot.com/2012/01/procedural-textures-in-html5-ca nvas.html
RT @LeaVerou: Fascinating #UX @smashingmag article: @lukew rethinks the login form and comes up with very creative ideas. http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2011/08/22/new-approaches-to-desi gning-login-forms/
RT @LeaVerou: Fascinating #UX @smashingmag article: @lukew rethinks the login form and comes up with very creative ideas. ...
RT @stgramophone: Said the Gramophone's 100 favourite songs of 2011. Oh whatta whatta year. Listen & download here: http://www.saidthegramophone.com/archives/best_songs_of_2011.php
RT @AlexanderNL: www.niggabitch.nl past wel mooi in het rijtje www.poldertaliban.nl en www.naaktemanmetrauweforelmishandeltschoenenverkoper.nl
RT @fabynou: Another World Code Review: http://fabiensanglard.net/anotherWorld_code_review/index.php
RT @jeresig: New Blog Post: JavaScript as a First Language: http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-as-a-first-language/
RT @rosenstok: Can the Dutch Government really be abandoning smokers to their fate? Stevige taal: http://www.skipr.nl/blogs/id963-wetenschap-verbijsterd-over-nederlands -rookontmoedigingsbeleid.html
RT @quarkness: The new great leader Kim Yong Un http://instagr.am/p/aEWvs/
RT @ebertchicago: The Best Films of 2011, sez me: http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2011/12/the_best_films_of_2011.html
RT @hakimel: How about spending your time and SEO-
$$ on curating interesting content that people _want_ to link to instead?
RT @simonpegg: Morning Paris, gonna spend the day looking under photo booths with Audrey Tautou and riding around on a moped at an exaggerated frame rate.
RT @anildash: By request, my list of questions for the Republican candidates: http://2.dashes.com/uRWXoW (Please share & add your own)